
New shoes

When your shoes are new, they might not be waterproofed which could lead to smudge or stains on your shoes. It would then be good to polish, waterproof or grease your shoes, depending on the material. Your shoes will look better and last longer.

Keep your leather shoes neat

Use shoe polish in similar color to your shoes regularly to keep them shiny and good looking. At the same time this gives them some surface protection from smudge and stains. To care more for the leather you should use grease or leather balm a few times every year.

Water proofing

No shoes are totally water proof except for rubber boots. To make your shoes more water and smudge repellent you can use water proofing spray before use, and from time to time.

We recomend spraying suede, nubuk and canvas materials, though it’s also possible on leather. But for leather we recomend creams. See above.

When using the spray, most sprays should be used outdoors, spray the whole upper shoe evenly. Make sure to use the correct color or non-color spray.

Alternate between shoes

Shoes needs to rest, using the same pair day in and day out will make them tear much faster. If you alternate between two shoes, they will last as long as three pairs.

Retain the shape

To retain the shape on your shoes you should put wooden shoe trees in your shoes when they are not in use. The most important part is the front where the shoe creases.

Wet shoes is not good

Always dry wet shoes in air temperature. Never with radiator, drying cabinet, hair dryer or other warm sources.
You can use different kinds of paper, but wooden shoe trees is better.

If the shoes are soaked or dirty when coming back inside, wipe them off to avoid stains.

Leather winter boots

These should be greased before using. Use the grease a few times every year, let the grease work for about 30 mins plus to let it sink into the leather, then brush off the surface of the boots.

If you want them to be more shiny, you can apply shoe polish with the same color as the shoes afterwards, and brush more intensely (with a separate brush).


Suede should be water proofed from time to time. It could be better to use another pair of shoes if the rain is pouring down outside.

If your suede shoes are dirty or have stains, there are different ways to remove it, first try with a suede brush. Otherwise there are suede cleaners to use. After cleaning use water proofing.

Very dirty or muddy shoes

Try not to push the wetness into the material, you can gently try to remove it with some paper, then you can proceed with a moist cloth to clean them. Afterwards use shoe polish or grease depending on the type of shoe.

If the leather is already stained, use shoe cleaning products.

Care for sneakers

Water proof your sneakers before use. If they are dirty, use a shoe cleaner.

If your white sneakers lost color, we have a white cream to fix it.


If your shoes have a tendency to smell bad.

Use wooden shoe trees.
Change socks more often.
Alternate between shoes more often.
If these tricks doesn’t work, try to use shoe deodorant products.

Never wash shoes in your washing machine

The shoes might become clean but your shoes will last shorter. The excessive water can worsen the stitching, the glue and synthetic materials.

Buy shoes in our webshop

High quality shoes from R.M. Williams, carmina etc..

Shoe care products

Use the right products for your shoes. We have what you need.